To finish off on our 3 part Blog on “Bringing Back the Dinner Party” here are some final little tips that will help make your night a great success and one that everyone will be talking about for months to come...
Continuing on from last weeks Blog Post... we are determined to bringing the "Dinner Party" back! They are fun and a great excuse to get dressed up, and extend your culinary skills - in saying that the night doesn't need to be stressful! So, here are the next 3 tips...
We'd like to bring the Formal Dinner Party Back! In fact it's one of our missions. It's not something that you would do every weekend, but a good old fashioned dinner party is a lot of fun (if you are organised) and we look forward to bringing you some tips over the coming weeks to hopefully inspire you!
Slim rubbed shoulders with Royalty from around the world including Princess Grace and her daughter Princess Caroline. At one point Princess Grace had even suggested that Caroline go and work with Slim, but when Slim explained she’d need to be up early every morning, Caroline soon changed her mind!
We both are particularly partial to the clocks with timber accents which you will see dominate our range of clocks. I now own two London Clock Co. Clocks - one for my office and one in my kitchen (both happen to be the Timber Skog 50cm wall clock)